Baby Bunching has long been a defining personal characteristic for me - for about 18 months before Linda and I even coined the term. I am a baby person and once I gave birth to one of my own, I was all back-to-back babies, all the time. I realized how much babies had taken over my life when the youngest of my Bunch was about 2 1/2 and I was stunned to realize that while I was standing in the baby section of a children's clothing store, I no longer had a child that fit in those sizes. Four straight years of baby will addle your brain that way.
I always knew I wanted a third child, but quickly realized that neither my sanity nor my marriage would survive Bunching a second time. Our carefully timed third child arrived almost exactly three years after the second. He has been a joy for me, especially for every age after 9 months because I feel like I never really fully got to experience those stages the first two times. When my oldest was nine months old, I was sick as a dog and exhausted all the time, as I was pregnant with my second. When my second was nine months old, I was in sheer survival mode and it was all a blur. So there was no doubt that my spacing for #3 was right for me. But of late, since my oldest has started kindergarten, I've started to wish that the spacing was a little less. Just a tad. Why?
Baby Bunching is a double-edged sword. Yes, everyone is a baby at once. But on the flip side, everyone is a baby at the same time. Which means that they are preschoolers at the same time, and grade schoolers at the same time. If your're in the throes of Baby Bunching now, I bet you can't even GET to five years from now, so I'll just spell it out for you.
It sucks to drag a baby to soccer practice. It sucks to wake a baby up from his nap because you have to pick one of his brothers up from school. It sucks that they are playing cars and he's too young to play without wrecking the game. It sucks that if you try to do arts and crafts with older kids, the baby will invariably find and eat the googly eyes, buttons, or any other small parts involved. It sucks that babies can't sit through movies or baseball games or story hours or magic shows - all favorite past times of older kids.
Now don't get me wrong, I am loving every minute of this baby - my last (there, I wrote it for all to see!) - and am actually very grateful that he is a tether to the part of my identity I know (mom of baby) as I feel out the part I don't know (mom of school-aged kids). But I am also really glad that I didn't wait any longer to have him. My Bunch is moving on to a new chapter of their lives - one that isn't very baby friendly - and they're dragging me with them. No way am I wishing away their brother's babyhood, but I'm looking forward to the day when soccer practice is fun for the whole family. Or even better - when I can realize the Baby Bunching benefit of putting them on the same team!
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