This question arrived just in time for our weekly Q&A.
Q: I have an 18 month old & 2 month old. My question is how do exercise your older child when you're alone with both? Before my daughter was born I'd take my son to the playground & he did a class at The Little Gym. Now he isn't getting the physical activity he once got & it seems to be affecting his ability to sleep. All feedback is greatly appreciated!
A: Oh, we never want anything to interfere with anyone's sleep so let's get on this question. First off, unless you're going to get a sitter, skip places like Little Gym with your toddler for a long while (until you can get both kids into the same class). I have a very vivid memory of a Little Gym class with my 18-month old son and my daughter who was about the same age as yours in the Baby Bjorn screaming her head off. I never went back.
You have a few options here of places to visit with toddler and baby to exhaust your older one:
1) Playgrounds. Remember that not all playgrounds are created equal so find a very toddler-friendly one and do what you can in the great outdoors with baby in the stroller, sling or carrier. They may be shorter trips than you're used to, but meet up with some friends so you have some helps spotting your toddler. He'll be tired when he's done.
2) The pool. It's summer now and while your wee one may not be ready for fun in the sun your toddler would probably love the play in the baby pool. Get some fun toys for the pool, have the baby again in a carrier or stroller and go until someone gets fussy.
3) Nature centers, farms or gardens. Bring the stroller along and let your toddler just go hog wild by running. You may have to run to keep up with him, but he'll be exhausted.
4) Backyard playdate. Even if you don't have a backyard, you probably have a friend who does. I always found yards, with friends of course, to be the best exercise for me. That meant baby could hang out, be changed and fed in privacy without too much sprinting and we might even be able to enjoy a cup of coffee while they played.
If you can't get out to exercise, have him help you fill the laundry basket with several trips back and forth or have your own at-home dance party. Remember that this phase is short and your toddler will exhaust from normal everyday stimulation. Before you know it you'll be chasing after him down the street as he takes off on his scooter with little one right behind. Then you'll be getting the exercise.
Hi! I have a just turned 3 year old, 22 month old, and 8 month old (and am pregnant with #4 :). I actually do take them to Gymboree (just like Little Gym), but we usually go to the open gyms. This was my older two can run around and the baby is either in the carrier or now that he is older on the floor. I feel bad that they don't get the individual class time that my oldest daughter did, but they love going and the baby slept when he was little but now wants to try and get in on the fun!
I do go to parks too, but I personally find it much more exhausting watching 3 in the open outdoors so I prefer to stick to indoor places or playdates.
good luck!
Posted by: Nicole | Apr 27, 2011 at 05:53 PM
The YMCA!! So helpful because one can be in the child watch area while you are taking a class with the other one, or both can be in the child watch while you work out!
Posted by: Ariella | Apr 27, 2011 at 06:03 PM
I have a 3yr old, a 19mo old & a 4 mo old... I know exactly what you mean about wanting to get the other 2 out & about. I think that for us... I just had to be patient and when they get older that play time returns. During that newborn adjustment time, we played a lot of playdoh and just stayed home to play outside in our yard. Thankfully we also have great friends and neighbors that have helped us with play dates and would even just hold our new baby while I could get out with the other 2. Also, for a day or 2 a week I had a college girl come just for a few hours so I could plan time to take just 1 or 2 of the other kids out to a well visit or the library story time etc. It is an adjustment period and it gets better. :)
Posted by: Jenni | Apr 27, 2011 at 06:07 PM
Amazon sells a trampoline that has handlebars and plays rythm music and counts to get them jumping. Worth its weight in gold. And they are never to young to start boxing on the Wii.....
Posted by: Rachel Stinson | Apr 27, 2011 at 10:32 PM
I like ANMJ on FB & just subscribed to the email feed! :)
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Posted by: handyman bellevue | Dec 31, 2011 at 01:20 AM
Maybe if you have enrolled your child in a gymnastics for toddlers class, he has to continue being psychically active even if he's just at home. Engage activities with him that involves jumping, bouncing and stretching.
Posted by: gymnastics for toddlers | Mar 26, 2012 at 09:25 PM
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