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  • Baby Bunching™ is two years of pregnancy and back-to-back infants and toddlers with nary a break for you. Baby Bunching means chaos for you, and your little twiblings. No worries, they become good friends as a result of your bunching strategy. You will become strong, creative, organized, calm and at peace with your new lifestyle without even realizing it.

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Mar 30, 2011


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I highly recommend this site www.threedaypottytraining.com the jist of it is you potty train your 22 month old in three days, my guy had it down in two (also at 22 months with a 2 month old little brother). throw away the diapers and put them in underware and a t-shirt for three days and watch them like a hawk.
You put the responsibility on them with "tell me if you need to potty" and remind them a million times a day then when they start to have an accident run them to the potty. Only positive reinforcement, never get angry, upset, frustrated and reward them when they actually make it and make a big deal about it. Also, you don't have to spend all day in there, if they go great, if they don't you let them go play again and keep watching them.
With my guy he "got it"got it at the end of day 1 (after 23 accidents, yes, I counted) and then day 2 was 2 accidents and day 3 none. He will be 3 on Friday and still wears a pull up at night, but VERY rarely has an accident and hasn't in over a year.
With the little one, like they said, he was cool to just hang out while I took care of Big Brother, now, at 15 months he wouldn't be as content about it. I have already put him on notice he will be potty training in October. He's interested in the potty sice brother goes. I hope it works as easily this time!


We did something similar as the above poster, but my oldest was 2 1/2 and baby was around 10 months. My baby can't stand to be left alone, so I just dragged her into the bathroom with us every time and kept special toys in there just for her to play with while her sister was on the pot. It's not easy, but nothing really is with kids. I also keep a "small potty" in the playroom, which we hardly ever use anymore. My final suggestion, which has nothing to do with bunching, is to skip the whole "potty seat" thing and try to get the kid to just use the toilet as it is. My daughter is very tiny but she quickly got the hand of using the big toilet and now has no problem in public restrooms.


Thank you for all the advice!


This is good for me to read. I am doing the "prep-work" of potty training this week with my 35 month old boy; while the younger boy is 17 months old. I also like the comment about not concentrating on 'just' using a potty seat. WE'll be concentrating on potty training next week!

Samual James

It being quite a tough task for working parents, so it needs to get the child trained in potty habits as soon as possible. For people who want help in such situation may benefit themselves from the link,
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Samual James

It being quite a tough task for working parents, so it needs to get the child trained in potty habits as soon as possible. For people who want help in such situation may benefit themselves from the link,

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