We received this question from Amy.
Q: How do moms get their workout in? I have three under three and have to get super creative, but we've been successful for 8 weeks now.
A: Amy, first of all congratulations for being successful for 8 weeks. That is a great start and one that will keep you going. Because as you probably know, the more you workout, the more you feel the need to workout.
Fitting in a workout with two or three little kids can be a challenge. There are as many excuses to not workout as their are reasons to get there in the first place. As a lover of working up a good sweat, I can tell you it's hard to get back after a baby. Cut yourself some slack in the early days. I had one trainer tell me that 6 months is when most moms start returning to the gym. That's when they feel both physically and mentally ready to start working out again. If one of your kids is still an infant, walking (and pushing a heavy double stroller) may be your best option until you feel motivated. Because motivation is 99% of working out.
But here are a few tips to fitting in a workout.
1) Find a gym with childcare. There are many benefits beyond just a line of treadmill that you can get from a gym. Most gym child care centers give you two hours to work out. I know moms (including myself) who bring their laptop to the gym after a work out and follow up on emails, take care of some business or return phone calls. This is a perfect way to get a few minutes to yourself and maybe even have a cup of coffee. I've even seen moms nursing babes in the locker room for some uninterrupted feeding time. Don't be put off by gym costs. If you actually go, it's worth it for babysitting, for your health and a long life of good habits. It can be an investment in your well-being. (Note: you'd be suprised how much room there is for bargaining on fees.)
2) Get a friend to join. All you need is one other person at the gym with you. If you make regular "gym dates" with a girlfriend, you're less likely to find an excuse to bail. It's even better if she has kids close in age to yours because then your kids get a play date out of the deal as well.
3) Get a trainer for a few sessions. I did this last fall and it's amazing what it did for my workouts. I only paid for 4 sessions. My workouts had become stale and boring, and she was able to offer me advice (and a routine) for getting in a thorough workout in 45 minutes (weights and cardio!). It provided me new energy for working out and a reason to go because I could do it in less than an hour.
4) If you're motivated to workout at home, get a few good workout DVDs and let your kids work out with you. (I have never been able to make this successful, but know many people can do this.) Heck invite a friend over for this, too, so you can do it together. It might keep you from stopping to unload the dryer.
5) Walk. You'd be surprised how much walking can do for you. it's a lot easier than loading kids in the car sometimes, load everyone into strollers, wagons, scooters or other appropriate means of transportation and walk more places. You'll save on gas too.
6) Bike. Get a bike trailer and take the kids for a very long bike ride. Even if they are arguing you won't hear it.
7) Sign up for a 5K. If you're a beginner, a 5K is a good motivation for working out. Decide you will run the 3+ miles and do it. Running just 15-20 minutes a few times a week is a good way to give you a realistic goal. Chances are by then you'll decide you love the benefits to working out.
Don't set unrealistic goals. If there is no way you will work out at home, don't go buy a treadmill thinking you will. If you are not a morning person, don't expect to be out for a run at 6:30 a.m. No one expects you to train for a marathon with little kids. The best advice we can give is to have a friend do this with you if you're not internally motivated to sweat. It's more fun and it makes you accountable.
Get out there and get in shape girl!
Here is my blog where I write about how I've fit in marathon training with my family of a 3 and a 4 year old: http://howwerollkatiesblog.blogspot.com/
Posted by: Katie Maehlmann | Jan 14, 2011 at 01:31 PM
Here is what I'v found that works with me and my two kids: 1. I run 3 days a week at 4 or 5 a.m. so I can get back before my husband leaves for work. I meet a bunch of girls, as I would surely never be motivated that early alone! 2. We have an ellipical machine that we invested in 5 years ago when I was pregnant that I use on the other days. The kids' toys are up there so they can play, but sometimes I use it at rest time. 3. I bought a used double BOB when they were little and used it alot. I have never tried the gym thing but it sounds nice. Can't beat the convenience of your own home though, in these cold winter months.
Posted by: Katie Maehlmann | Jan 14, 2011 at 01:35 PM
I had a lightbulb moment last month - I realized that I was wasting time between 6 and 7 a.m. by lying on the couch and lamenting the fact that my kids get up early. So I decided that would be my workout time instead; I'm up early anyway and it allows me to get out of feeding the kids breakfast (and gets hubby more involved with the kids in the morning). Most of the time I just get the workout done before hubby leaves, but sometimes I get to take a wonderful, uninterrupted shower before he leaves! And a morning workout helps to give me energy and a clear head for the day that stretches out in front of me.
Posted by: Renee | Jan 14, 2011 at 06:59 PM
Good post! I did/do almost everything mentioned. Last summer, when both my kids were under 2, I walked them in our double BOB every single day during baby's naptime. In the fall I joined the gym and try to make it 3-4 times per week with the kids...the babysitting is very nice there. We also have an exercise bike which I try to do during nap if I can't make it to the gym. I ALSO have a Wii with several exercise "games" or whatever they are, but I hardly ever get a chance to do that right now. If you're motivated enough, you'll fit in a workout for yourself somehow!
Posted by: JJ | Jan 17, 2011 at 01:14 PM