Just a few things from the week.....
Rookie Moms has yet another Challenge this week that you will NOT want to miss. This is MUST DO for all Baby Bunchers. Yes, do this now. This weekend if you can.
Lil Bee has some ideas on an interim wardrobe. She is a true fashionista so you won't want to miss these tips.
A interesting article that has certainly stirred up all kinds of debate. What do you think?
And Babble's Best Double Strollers from 2010.
The Chinese mothers article IS interesting!
Posted by: Shell | Jan 14, 2011 at 07:02 PM
As a scandinavian woman who attended a predominantly asian high school... that article leaves a lot out. We had a remarkable number of bruised students, and I know how to read a person's face to see if their grade will earn them a beating. Sometimes people would get a B in math and be missing for days. On the positive side, it taught me respect for the Korean culture, because they were a larger subgroup, but only one family ever beat their kids, AND the Koreans were still top ranking in class without being left out of sports (where they often also excelled.)
The article was definitely edited for the intended audience, although I'm still having trouble determining the intention of the author. And the wierd "one or the other" links/survey were creepy. What about balance? I frequently poo-poo an all western or american approach to parenting, but to only live in extremes is unhealthy. It is way more productive to focus on doing well with your own choices than to spend time naysaying the choices of others. I guess my point on commenting is this:
What she is describing is not any type of standard or 'norm'... it may have a few great points in contrasting the cultures, but it is not representative of the label she is trying to use.
Posted by: jean grow | Jan 16, 2011 at 01:52 AM
Very interesting article and i need to hang up with this blog to get more informative tips.http://www.vivamagonline.com/index.php I have goon throught all the stuff and it sounds great.
Posted by: Baby bunch | Jan 19, 2011 at 05:40 AM
The Air Jordan III's had poor sales when first retro'ed in 1994. On the other hand if they happen to be re-retro'ed they marketed out http://www.jordansretro11s.com instantaneously. A pair on the Air Jordan III design might be marketed for over 300 bucks on a variety of internet websites, one in particular remaining eBay.
Posted by: jordan 11 concord | May 15, 2012 at 08:58 AM