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Dec 14, 2010


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Amy Talbott

Ahh my Dear Rachel friend, You are your own Uber-Mom, and I know that first hand. You manage so many different things on a daily basis that I couldn't dream of keeping up with, I hope you continue your mommy posts in the future I just love reading them. From another "insane" woman who happens to have three under three, I am constantly reminded of how different all kids are on a daily basis. Do I struggle with comparision? Absolutely, My biggest struggle has to do with the state of my house, and feeling unwilling to have people come into my house. I have a darling sister who keeps a perfect house. Every room is Martha Stewart perfect and I struggle with the constant "kid mess" all over my home.
I wonder if we will ever remove ourselves from the comparision game we as women play. I think that we, I, miss out on a lot of things because I compare myself to women around me that I view as somehow better. I want to be thinner, I want to be prettier, I want perfect kids, and beautiful kids. But if I spend all my time trying to be what I am not both me and my kids suffer. I just wish I would remember that each time the temptation to compare comes up. Ahhh, my current constant struggle I suppose.

Thanks Rach for your insights, I love reading your posts. Miss you girlie AmyT


I think we each have unique insecurities as mothers. My children are 20 months and 6 months, and my oldest is 'advanced' in language development. He knows all his colors, but that doesn't stop me from being insecure when I meet my own version of uber-mom: the one with a fancy SUV, a personal trainer and time for herself. We just need to be kinder to ourselves and kinder to each other, and remember that we each fight our own internal battles every day. Thanks for your post, Rachel.


It's because we notice the differences between our children and ourselves that we're our own worst enemies! IT DOESN'T MATTER! Once you get to kindergarten, there will be even more mothers to compare against who will plague our insecurities unless we address them.

If the perfect mother appears to be out there, there will be something she is not doing as well as someone else which she hides extremely well (or doing things like worrying, better than others.) Can't we just focus on being good enough mothers, our children being happy, them befriending who they are naturally drawn to and leave our hang ups behind? Possibly, in the age of highly competitive parenting, where mothering choices are judged and carped about, we can't, which is a huge shame.

Do we want our kids to pick up these values from us, or do we teach them that everyone is equal even if some mothers are more stylish, relaxed, and confident than others? If we're striving to be uber-moms, are we going to breed children who are trained to over-achieve and be the perfectionists we really, really need not to be? Rachel, I do feel your pain - I sometimes feel like Dorky Mom - but comparing ourselves to others gets us nowhere, especially in the motherhood, and this isn't wisdom, it's just the way I see it!

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