what is baby bunching?

  • Baby Bunching™ is two years of pregnancy and back-to-back infants and toddlers with nary a break for you. Baby Bunching means chaos for you, and your little twiblings. No worries, they become good friends as a result of your bunching strategy. You will become strong, creative, organized, calm and at peace with your new lifestyle without even realizing it.

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Sep 21, 2010


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Sharon M.

I know the feeling! Me = Mom now! I can never think of myself as anything other than a mom since having my bunch. It's hard to step outside the mom tasks even for an hour!

Cara Fox

I lucked out and never lost the "me" in Mommy - I have been able to stay strongly connected with my job, my friends, my blogging and my volunteer work, all of which are essential to who I am. Less frequently, I get to exercise and read - two of my other favorite things to do.

What I struggle with is the guilt in taking time to do anything outside of the Mommy me. While I do still DO the things mentioned above, I always feel a gnawing guilt that I'm doing those things instead of mommying. Especially if I'm (gasp!) having more fun doing these other things than I do when I'm mommying.

Who knew that motherhood would be such a double-edged sword - unequivocally the most important thing I have ever done, yet in some ways constantly at odds with some of the other things I do to try to help make the world a better place.


I'm so glad I've found your blog today!

I only have a seven & a half months daughter & so wanting another baby soon, so I'm trying to read on the subject, all the pro's & con's

I already often feel I am losing myself in the mommy self, as if I were merely living for my baby
In a way it's true
I have little by little stopped each of my other passions to devote myself to my girl but I realise I have & surely can balance things better!

To me it's not a question of guilt but more about a fear of being 50% good at this and 50% good at being a mom.
Like being part.
maybe a kind of guilt.
Maybe next year I'll let my daughter at daycare one or two mornings a week and balance time for myself and time for my daughter while baking baby 2 :)

I am still searching on your website, but I was wondering how was pregnancy while taking care of your first baby?
because right now it is what worries me the most!
I first had a mc and then had my daughter which was like a miracle and a wonderful blessings to heal after the mc.
but it meant I was kinda pregnant for a whole year!
and the second pregnancy was very exhausting and caused me lots of stress.
I did not enjoy it much to be honest.
Yet after the horrible birth, looking into my daugther's eye made me so want to have more children, because it just felt so right!
Like I was meant to be a mom and my dream had come true!
I know each pregnancy can be different :)
I so wish I could live an easy and serene pregnancy with even some lovely euphoria

anyways thanks for this blog, it's really interesting and helpful!

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