A great question from reader Deanna:
Q: I need ideas on going out with my boys, I have 4 kids but 3 are bunched--ages 4, 3 and 1. I had an umbrella stroller double, but it is to hard to maneuver and I still have a child that may or may not cooperate. Any ideas from you or your readers would be greatly appreciated.
A: Cara here - I'll take a stab at this one, since I had a similar situation, although my boys were 1, 4 and 5 and as we all know in the world of Baby Bunching, every year (and month!) makes a HUGE difference. My two oldest boys were darters, so they had to be restrained when we were out and about far beyond the age of when I have seen other kids walking calmly by mom's side, so I know a little bit about maximizing stroller options with multiple kids. I really think your best bet here is a Sit n' Stand. No, they're not cheap, but you can often pick one up second-hand at a consignment sale or on Craig's List and they're worth the money. I had the Baby Trend SitNStand LX, which offers not just a "standing board" for the older child, but an actual jump seat with a strap. By the time my kids were 5, I found they had outgrown darting into harm's way, but I certainly used it to strap down many a 4 year-old. The LX's even more deluxe cousin, the SitNStand Plus Double stroller offers two full double seats (and also allows more flexibility in accommodating infant seat configurations for younger babies), which would be great for moms with 3 or more kids even closer in age than your youngest two. I've included the Amazon review link to this product, which is super helpful because several reviewers compare/contrast it to the uber-popular, comparable (but more expensive) Phil and Ted's and Joovy Caboose strollers.
I realize that this solution has 2 kids pinned down, but still leaves a roaming 4-year old. It SHOULD help, because at least with two safely strapped in, you can focus on keeping the oldest near you (although, honestly, it is really hard to steer these bad boys with one hand and leave a hand free to hold a kid). We reviewed another product called tag*a*long a while back and something like this might help.
Alternatively, depending how big your kids are, you could maybe squish the two oldest on the standing board/jump seat together when you are in an absolute pinch. It's not ideal (and the extra weight will give you a workout when you push), but we have done this on rare occasions when I just needed everyone close to me and contained. A third option is to go for the mother of all SitNStands, the Joovy Big Caboose. This isn't ideal for your situation because you will have to invest a lot in it and you will likely "age out" in a few weeks (recommended 40 lb weight limit for seats). But it's an option.
I'll admit that now that I've got two walkers and am down to one baby, I've gone back to my super sleek single (which feels positively sportyafter years of doubles and SitNStands) so I may not be fully up to speed on all the options available. Dear readers, help a girl out if I've missed something!
what about putting the one-year-old in a Beco or other carrier on mom's back and the 3- and 4-year-olds in a double or sit and stand stroller (if they can't be trusted to walk)? i wear my 25-pound, 16-month-old all the time in my Beco and the weight is distributed to not hurt your back!
Posted by: Joelle | Aug 25, 2010 at 09:40 PM
I have done this in extreme situations, however I have a Kelty backpack for the 1 year old, who is 25lbs and his weight with the pack kills my shoulders and pushing the stroller is quite the work out. I think the Kelty is made for a taller person for which I am not. Lovin the ideas:) Thanks
Posted by: Deanna | Aug 26, 2010 at 12:23 AM
I've got a 3.5 DS, almost 2 DD and 5 month old DS, so I've got this figured out! :) When we're walking somewhere for a while, I do wear the baby (easier to do now since he's only 17 lbs or so,) and let the older two sit in the stroller (we have the Phil & Ted's with the 2nd seat.) That usually works well, though my kids are on the upper limits of the weight capacity, I just keep the tires super inflated. :)
When we're zipping in and out somewhere (from the car to mall/restaurant/church/etc,) I leave the baby in his seat and snap it in the stroller (P&T), my DD goes in the back seat, and my older DS walks. He holds onto the jogging strap as his "special big boy handle" and that usually works most of the time. If he wants to ride, though, he sits on the foot rest in front of the baby seat (so, right over the front wheel.) Yes, it's a PITA to maneuver and no longer 'steerable' with one hand, but it does work in a pinch.
This will be easier for him (right now, he has to keep his feet up and bend over a bit--he's a big boy, 42" tall and as many lbs) once my youngest is no longer in the bucket seat and can sit in the back (and then DD will sit in the front seat, with older DS walking/hitching a ride on the foot rest when needed.)
It is quite comical to see us pull up with DS sitting on the foot rest, DS in front seat in his bucket seat, and DD in the back seat. Thank GOD the P&T is such a dream to push normally, otherwise this would never work (I have a Sit & Stand Deluxe... used it once at the mall, never will again. Way too hard to push/control with two bigger kids in it!)
Posted by: Jess | Aug 26, 2010 at 12:50 AM
Mine ae ages 9, 6, 3, 2, and 10 months.
I have a Kolcraft Contours Options double sroller - My 2 and 3 year olds ride in that. It's really nice because it has big rubber handles for older kids to hold on to, so if we are in a crowded area the older kids hang on to those.
I carry my 10 month old in the Ergo carrier either on my back or up front to nurse. If he gets crabby, I put him in the stroller and put my 2 or 3 year old in the Ergo.
Posted by: Ninja Mom | Aug 26, 2010 at 08:35 AM
Ditto Ninja Mom's comments! We had (and have since outgrown) the Kolcraft Contours Options. I thought the handles were a joke, but it turns out that a generally disobedient and darting 3 will hold the handles and walk with the others. I frequently wore the youngest in the Ergo - she also liked being able to face me in the Kolcraft, but babywearing seems to bring out the best in the 1-and-under crowd.
Posted by: Diane | Aug 26, 2010 at 02:46 PM
Various people in every country get the loans from different banks, because that's easy.
Posted by: MckenzieMaryanne28 | Nov 29, 2011 at 10:38 PM