About three months ago, my husband's sister moved in with us. She took a new job up here and being not totally tied down she jumped at the chance to make a move and live in our basement (aka "the cave.") Crazy for her perhaps, awesome for me!
I always felt Baby Bunchers back in the day--you know when Irish Twins were tres chic--were able to manage so much differently with family around them. You're not totally going it alone if your sister and mother live down the street. My grandmother was one of 10 with family all around. My own mother was the product of a Bunch and even her mother had the benefit of nearby extended now and then.
Don't discount your family/friend network or a helping hand. It's huge. In the past two weeks alone I have found myself ever so blessed to have family living not just nearby but in my house.
Last week, hubby and I took a long overdue vacation for our 10-year anniversary. While we really wanted to try for an exotic place, we felt leaving my sister in law with the kids for too long was just, well, mean. So we took a short trip to Maine of rest and relaxation. Not something most can do. Not something we could have done three months ago. But something that makes a complete difference in both our marriage and our parenting ability.
Two days ago, our spontaneity kicked in and we met for drinks/dinner one evening since she just happened to be home when he called,"Meet me for dinner since my work colleague stood me up." And today after a mess of a vet appointment with my dog (where he peed on himself AND puked in my car) I came home to an angel who helped me not only bathe the dog, but entertain the kids while I vacuumed out vomit from my car.
Don't get me wrong. I don't take this for granted. For six years we dealt with the ups and downs of Baby Bunching with family not just a few time zones away but oceans away. I am ever so grateful for whatever family we have around to help us in even little ways. She won't be here forever so I will cherish what help I have when I have it. Perhaps it's time for another baby? It's tempting....
Stay tuned on Monday for a guest post on how to build your pseudo-family even if you don't have family in town.
This is so true! My in-laws all live close by and it definitely feels good to know that family is less than 10 minutes away. It makes all the difference. I can only imagine having someone living with me. How awesome would that be?
Posted by: Justice Jonesie | Jun 10, 2010 at 10:55 PM