what is baby bunching?

  • Baby Bunching™ is two years of pregnancy and back-to-back infants and toddlers with nary a break for you. Baby Bunching means chaos for you, and your little twiblings. No worries, they become good friends as a result of your bunching strategy. You will become strong, creative, organized, calm and at peace with your new lifestyle without even realizing it.

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Mar 02, 2010


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I love this post!

It's inspiring to know that the two of you have each other despite the distance between you. Hopefully that bond will never break!

I've been desperate for a "#4" for years now and make a concerted effort to find "her"...to no avail thus far. I have faith though! Am probably trying too hard which isn't good either :o

#9 has always been a fantasy for me but the demographic of our neighborhood just isn't there. I have a #9 within driving distance and I'm very happy to have her. She also doubles as a #3 and #7 :)

#1's are awesome, like an old pair of comfy jeans.


This was just in time. My #1 and I were just talking about this same topic via email (she lives in Europe)and I think my problem is that I constantly look for that #8 who would replace the other 7 :-) But you are right - I need all of them and it is really too much to ask one person to be all 9. After all, it would be hard to be all 9 myself.

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