Last week, I stood staring at a bottle of nail polish at Target. Since having babies (especially back to back), nail polish has become obsolete in our house. The last time my nails were done was the week before my first child was born. That was when I did the ceremonial "new mom" mani/pedi. And while my toes have been fortunate enough to receive some TLC since then, my hands haven't been so lucky. It's been 6 years.
I looked down at my crusty neglected cuticles, hangnails dried from the cold and chipped tips and thought perhaps it was time to reevaluate my nail polish needs.
My hands look so different than 6 years ago. The veins pop a little more. I have a few new moles. They certainly don't look young anymore. And my nails are definitely very unkempt. Don't they say unkempt nails are a sign of your life being disorderly? Yes, yes it is I'm a Baby Buncher!
My hands have experienced so much in 6 years and a manicure is not one of them. They've been pooped and peed on. They've cleaned up vomit. They've wiped off boogies and mushed up carrots. They've ground up veggies (hoping someone will eat them) and then sopped up the food spit back out. They've begged kids to sit down at the table, and they've forced kids to sit on the potty. They've held the hands of kids as they learned to walk. They've held on as kids have learned to ride two-wheel bikes.
They've held down a baby in the ER while someone unlovingly inserted an IV. They've prayed for good results. They've helped a doctor cast an arm.
They've pushed strollers up steep hills and carried a carseat which left welts since second baby was too heavy for the seat.They've bandaged boo boos. They've cradled, swaddled, bathed and tickled.
They've colored, outlined letters, made paper chains and wrote notes to teachers asking for help. They've frozen in the cold while someone else wore my gloves. They've warmed up faces and blown kisses.
They've turned about 51,6000 pages of stories.
In 6 years, my hands have experienced so much, and I think it's time to celebrate. I think I'll paint my nails this weekend.
RED! :)
My OPI I'm-Not-Really-A-Waitress polished nails is the one thing I refuse to give up, even with two two year olds. I've had red nails since 2002 and I'm not stopping now!
Though I often have to do so after baby bedtime!
Posted by: JessPond | Jan 13, 2010 at 12:02 PM
great post! I don't like having my fingernails painted, but it was neat to read about/think about what all your hands do with/for your kids. :)
Posted by: kelly | Jan 13, 2010 at 01:25 PM
I really love this post. A wonderful ode to the hands. I hope they enjoy the TLC :)
Posted by: Janna | Jan 13, 2010 at 03:14 PM
Wonderful post! Thanks! I still enjoy mani/pedis every two to three months - versus every other week pre-kids - but I never get polish now. They look nice with a buff for longer and I don't have to worry about chipping. Enjoy your treat this weekend!
Posted by: Liz | Jan 13, 2010 at 08:42 PM
Awesome Linda. What a great read... tears in my eyes... and thoughts in my head about how desperate my little toes are right now!
Posted by: Julie Hamilton | Jan 14, 2010 at 06:35 PM
I did the "new mom" mani/pedi days before the birth of my first as well. I have had them done once since then, for a wedding. I've really been meaning to set aside some time to do things like this...
Posted by: sahmCFO | Jan 30, 2010 at 11:45 AM
You should! I went the weekend after I wrote this post and it felt fabulous!
Posted by: Baby Bunching | Jan 30, 2010 at 01:20 PM