Stroller configurations (single + sling, tandem, twin, single + boogie board, sit and stand, single + roaming child) can be tricky as your Bunch grows. We have often said there is not one perfect double stroller out there...yet. If your Bunch is still little, you may think you have found the perfect one, but as they grow you realize the weight of the older one will make a twin hard to push, the attitude of one will make a tandem hard to negotiate and without fail someone will decide the stroller just isn't for them anymore!
As your kids grow bigger, the options for containment grow smaller. This is why I squealed with delight when I saw Rookie Mom's review about this new stroller accessory: the tag*a*long.
This is such a simple concept, and we're glad to see someone put this into practice at a low price ($10). The tag*a*long is basically a plastic handle that attaches to the side of your stroller so your child can hang on to the stroller--without actually pushing the stroller into people or getting run over by the wheel. Maybe that wheel thing is my own error.
This handy gadget was developed by Naptime Industries, a mom and dad design team from Philadelphia with their own young kids. Here are a few tag*a*long bits:
- It provides an option for older siblings or those kids who can walk and do not want to sit in the stroller.
- The attachment requires no tools and will fit on most strollers. It's quick loop-through design makes it quick and easy to get on and off.
- It's made in the USA and is lead and BPA free. Bonus in case your baby wants to suck on it, too.
Even better, this seems like a great product for those with three children who are maneuvering a double and still need some assistance reigning in the oldest. I love that this gives kids a designated spot to return to and sets the expectations and directs boundaries. It doesn't guarantee your oldest from wandering off but the tag*a*long will provide him a place to hold while moving about and a place to come back to when the fun is done.
As you know with all things Baby Bunching, we only review what we feel is appropriate for those with closely spaced siblings. (We did not receive a sample nor were we paid by the company for this review. Although, they did graciously offer us a few to sample.)
Let us know if you've tried this out yet!
Great product! I usually have my oldest hold onto one of the running straps for my phil&teds.
Posted by: Shell | Nov 23, 2009 at 10:17 AM
Great concept for us double-bunchers who need a double stroller AND a single at times. Usually at least one of my toddlers refuses to "ride" and wants to help "push" (and I often have the wheel problem, too, ahem). I will definitely be making this purchase! Thanks for passing it on!
Posted by: Ashley | Nov 23, 2009 at 10:27 AM
Love this idea!! We've resorted to attaching a leash to the stroller for the older ones to "Walk the Baby." They find it hilarious, but this looks like a much more low key option.
Posted by: sierra | Nov 23, 2009 at 10:47 AM
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my tag*a*long! Our three year old gets to feel independent and yet I can safely push my stroller across our city streets (with coffee in hand to boot)!
Posted by: Alisson | Nov 23, 2009 at 12:12 PM
I love mine, too! My daughter and her friends fight over the tag*a*long on my son's stroller, so I've had to put one on each side on Play Date days! Highly recommend.
Posted by: Houston | Nov 23, 2009 at 02:36 PM
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Posted by: GoodOLIVIA27 | Feb 28, 2010 at 07:04 AM