Happy Friday and Happy Halloween! Don't forget the Baby Bunching photo contest on Facebook. We'll give you until Sunday (oooooo....an extension!) so you can upload Halloween photos. We're sure 99% of you will take photos on Saturday night, but know only 30% of you actually ever upload them to your computer. Here is your incentive and then you can shoot them to grandma as well!
Emily over at Powell Power takes some time to answer questions from her readers about her life/day with the kids. We enjoyed the read. Also, check out their Halloween costumesfor this year. Cute! It should be required that us Bunchers can coordinate costumes.
Super Ninja Mommy over at Two Under Two just had her fifth baby (other kids are 8, 5, 2, 1 and now a new baby boy!). She gives all the details of this birth. Check it out.
Kristen over at Motherhood Uncensored certainly can see the silver lining in soap and toilet paper all over the bathroom.
Amalah overs some Advice Smackdown over at AlphaMom about baby spacing. C'mon ladies. Go chime in over there.
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Posted by: Patterson22EDWINA | Nov 03, 2011 at 09:39 AM