what is baby bunching?

  • Baby Bunching™ is two years of pregnancy and back-to-back infants and toddlers with nary a break for you. Baby Bunching means chaos for you, and your little twiblings. No worries, they become good friends as a result of your bunching strategy. You will become strong, creative, organized, calm and at peace with your new lifestyle without even realizing it.

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Sep 07, 2009


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MaryBeth @ Four Silly Sisters

I was grateful for the fact that all four of mine were born within 17 months of each other for this very reason. The first year with a toddler and 3 babies was rough, but now at 4, 3,3,& 3 they are all into pretty much the same things, and considering we had 4 children we were done with diapers in record time... life is good!

Jen Slipakoff

Love this post! And love that it applies to me even though I'm not a fellow Buncher...my oldest is the same age as your oldest and my youngest is right around the same age as your youngest. And while I love the age difference between my two because I can fully live in the moment with each of their phases, they are at two TOTALLY different phases. Thanks for the good read!


I'm just starting into this phase except opposite of you- I have a 4yr old and then my bunch of a 21mo and a 5mo old. I'm not looking forward to packing all 3 up for preschool drop off and pickup 3 days a week and trying to work naptime around it. For me it sucks that my oldest has to miss out on a lot of preschool age activities because we just can't do them with the babies in tow. And when little baby is old enough to mess with his toys the way big baby is now, I think it will be world war 3 at our house!

3 under 4?

My bunch is 38 months and 20 months now, and I'm almost sad that I'm not preggo again for just this reason!

RookieMom Heather

I have a pair of baby bunched boys, now 2.5 and 4. I totally get what you're saying. I'm sad to not be having another one (right now or ever) but also excited as we move into the next chapter together.

C'mon end of the diaper daze, I can almost see you!


I loved this post! Does having a third child make things A LOT more difficult? My younger child is 13 months and I'm just beginning to breathe... However, the clock has tocked but another baby would be nice!

Cara Fox

Knowles, wish I could tell you that having a third child does not make things a lot more difficult. I would not change a thing, but the third has pretty much sent me over the edge with my balancing act. I always thought I wanted four, but am thinking I'm good with three.

Having said that, I've heard from lots of people that the third always tips the scale and once you have three, you might as well have ten - the marginal difference is negligible. I, for one, do not intend to put that theory to the test. : )


This is fantastic. I am, currently, in the throes of 3rd child bunching, with a just-3 year old, an almost-2-year-old (13 mos apart), and a 3 month old (21 mos apart). Did I mention that my husband works nights, and I do bedtime/baths all on my own? Right now I'm teetering on the edge of insanity, and it's articles like this that actually get me back off the couch and out of the fetal position so I can wipe my tears and feed baby another bottle. I keep telling myself it will get better!

Baby Bunching

Hi Ashley,

I know it's so hard right now. Hang in there. We promise it gets easier and
better! Thanks for reading.

Linda Kerr

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 9:25 AM, wrote:

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