One of the reasons many people Baby Bunch is to provide their children with a sibling, or two, near in age as "instant playmates." I first noticed this great play dynamic when my youngest was almost 2-years old. She and her three-year old brother could finally manage some kind of mutual play. Whereas with other friends who were just getting started on Baby #2 while managing their three-year olds, I already had a mini little playgroup established with my Bunch.
However, even with sibling love there is a downside to instant playmates and best friends. They foster this relationship early on and form strong bonds which can change the dynamic to: them vs. me. Sure they hide together and speak in their special sibling language that only they understand, (really, what is so funny about the word "pants"?) but yesterday I encountered the first major move of allied forces against ME!
We were playing our most recent favorite game of Sorry. Perhaps “the game of sweet revenge” is not the best game to play with my preschoolers, but it’s easy for everyone to play. I had just bumped my son’s pawn back to Start when he let out a howl about his upcoming yellow team demise. His wails became tears (ones he worked hard to create), and he was inconsolable. (If you think tantrums end at age two, let me fully reassure you that they peak again one month shy of age five.) Anna, forever my compassionate child, came over to rub his back. “Alex, it’s OK. It’s part of the game. Can I give you a hug?” Alex shook his head and continued generating the tears. Anna popped up and exclaimed she had a solution. I looked at Alex and reminded him he had a very nice sister to console him like this over something so ridiculous. She came down with Froggy in hand and continued rubbing his back and giving him kisses. She quietly picked up all her green pieces for the game and put them back in the box.
“I think Alex needs my help. I am moving to his team to make him feel better,” she said.
And that was that. She drew the cards, he moved their yellow pieces. Together with her encouraging him and him helping her count, they managed to beat me in the game. I can’t help thinking this maybe a metaphor for what's in store in the near future.
I can't wait for the stage where they both get along in general. The ganging up on me part, not so much but at least they won't be fighting each other.
Posted by: Casey | Feb 24, 2009 at 08:03 PM
Cute entry!
Posted by: Sonya | Feb 25, 2009 at 01:13 PM
Oh no, that sounds like you are in big trouble as they get older!
Posted by: becky | Feb 27, 2009 at 04:05 PM
This is a GREAT story. I love this! And that is truly one of the greatest things about siblings, especially those that are close in age. My goal is for my kids to be united even if, as in this case, they are united against me. I think it will serve them well in the long run.
Posted by: Stimey | Feb 28, 2009 at 06:52 PM