New baby is 5 months old and my muffin top is officially starting to bug me. Such has been the pattern with my other boys too, as well as other moms I've talked to. Must be the fact that you finally get to sleep through the night sometimes at this age that makes you wake up and see your physical flaws.
Prior to having children, I was actually quite physically active. I swam competitively in high school and frequently trained 3-4 hours A DAY. In college and afterward, I naturally cut back on that but kept to a nice steady workout pattern of 4-5 times a week. I'm always a little lucky in that most of my baby weight falls right off, but I'm left with some disproportionate version of myself that has bigger breasts (a welcome thing), but a longer torso and a doughy tummy. For the first 4-5 months post-partum, I can't even see straight enough to notice my plump, droopy figure. Then, all of the sudden it hits me like a ton of bricks that I need to get back to the gym. Unfortunately, 4 or 5 months is also still a young enough age that I am reluctant to dump my precious darling in the germy gym child care center, so how's a girl to squeeze in a workout?
With Baby #1, I bought a jogging stroller, hit the road, and walked my way back into shape. Hubby had a less demanding job back then, so he watched baby in the evening while I supplemented with workouts at the local community center (which has no child care center).
With Baby #2, I got irritated at my figure 5 months post-partum, but frankly, wasn't in any condition to do anything about it until I was EIGHTEEN MONTHS post-partum. Baby Bunching really did a number on me. I bought a double jogger, but the kids couldn't stop arguing long enough for me to walk 5 consecutive minutes without stopping, so it was kinda hard to get a "real" workout. When I finally got back to the gym, it felt so good to be back in the saddle that I literally had tears in my eyes at that first workout. This time, I worked out at the crack of dawn at hubby's corporate gym (no child care - boohoo!) before hubby went to work at his job that was even less demanding than the one before it.
Now I have a YMCA membership, which should be awesome because not only can I work out there, my kids can swim and play there while I do it. Except that I am too tired to even load everyone up in the car to get them there, more less work out once I get there. And said child care center feels germy for a baby this young in cold and flu season. Big boys have outgrown the double jogger and there is NO WAY I am going on a walk for exercise purposes (or any purposes, really) with all three children by myself. Hubby has a way demanding job now and I am lucky if he shows up for dinner. On the off-chance that he does, I hate to dump the bedtime (or even morning time) routine on him for all three kids.
Yet I have got to do something. I'm thinking my only option is going to be home-based workouts, which other moms seem to like but I have always detested. I really depend on the external motivation of top-notch exercise equipment and other people suffering with me to push myself to my physical limits. But at this stage of the game, something is better than nothing, so off I go in search of a decent workout tape. I date myself by saying this, but anyone remember "Get in Shape, Girl?" from the 80's? The awesome theme song and those ribbon-thingies are stuck in my head - I wonder if you can still buy those? Plus I am singing the song to my baby right now while he does Jumperoo and he really likes it...dare I dream that we could work out together?
Any other suggestions? Or are there magical solutions for carving out more time or kid-friendly workouts that I haven't thought of? My waistline begs for your help.
Yeah, I'm in the same boat Cara, although I do have time to do it -- my excuse is work and book deadlines.
There are some great things here ( -- I didn't find that on my own - a bunch of moms reco'd it.
And I also got Wii FIT for Christmas.
My problem with home workouts is that I can find about 400 other things to do other than do it. Which sort of sucks.
We do have a little gym about 2 miles down the road in another subdivision that we can use and they have a kids room. So I just need to force myself to carve out the 30 minutes and go walk while the baby sits.
So, no answers here. Just empathy!
Posted by: Motherhood Uncensored | Jan 08, 2009 at 10:42 AM
I have always found more exciting things to do other than workout. I used to love working out in college, but the problem is my eating/drinking.
But this past August upon returning from the beach I was tired of my pooch which extended to my hips and my butt. I found a workout buddy and THIS has made all the difference. Working out has becoming part of my weekly routine--just like everything else, but it's SO much easier to get there when you have a friend beside you cheering you on. I even started to poop out on the treadmill one day and she looked over and told said: "Remember the cheese? Run fat ass! Run!" And dammit, I did.
We also go to the Y and are there enough that they've made new friends and know all the nice little ladies. But I definitely think the workout friend is the biggest motivator.
Oh, also classes. I've never been a class person before, but now I'm doing kickboxing, pilates and a few others. It's hard to wuss out when someone's keeping you motivated for an hour. But I make my workout friend drag me to these too. So much more fun with a friend!
How about stroller fit? Or have a workout playgroup! :-)
Posted by: Linda | Jan 08, 2009 at 11:07 AM
Wii Fit here too. I've been finding it really motivating to use at home.
Posted by: Jac | Jan 08, 2009 at 11:29 AM
I'm in the same situation, I lack the motivation to do ANYTHING. It's way too hot to take the kids outside during the summer months (actually for about 9 months out of the year) and now that it's actually in the 70's, I've tried the jogging stroller. My son likes to hit my daughter and take whatever toys she has away so that doesn't work so well. Let me know if you figure it out since I need an answer too!
Posted by: Casey | Jan 08, 2009 at 01:04 PM
what about cranking on the music once a day and just dancing for a while-with the kids. Sometimes we do this when everyone needs to burn off some steam. when i get down about finding no good time to workout I just think "there is a season for everything" so just hang in there for the next season!
Posted by: Jayne | Jan 08, 2009 at 01:27 PM
I'm with Jayne on this one "there is a season for everything." Get a pilates DVD and do some dancing around until Josh is a little older and you have your energy back. Plus, you're recovering from the holidays still.
Posted by: Linda | Jan 08, 2009 at 02:03 PM
I hear your pain in not being able to make it to the gym. Even though I'm not a busy mom, I have lived in so many places that having a gym membership doesn't make sense. Also, I currently live in Bolivia where outdoor exercising is not very accessible. So, like you, I also need an at home work out.
I solved the problem by:
1. Buying a $50 set of resistance bands
Still not as fun as lifting at the gym, but has enough resistance to get your muscles sore
2. Bought a yoga mat
I do some yoga, but also use it to stand on for the weight lifting
3. Spent time making playlists to work out to
4. Invested in Kathy Smith stuff- a belly dance dvd, and work out routine book. Kathy Smith is likeable and puts together a fun workout.
The hardest part is the motivation. Like you, I prefer the gym atmosphere. Good luck!
Posted by: Mariko | Jan 08, 2009 at 03:25 PM
I am totally with you on this one. Actually a bunch of friends and I are working on it as our new years resolution. But for at home, try the crunch pilates videos (the one with the purple cover is my favorite). It has 10 minute workouts and there is one specifically for the belly. You can watch it online at netflix or rent it from them to try.
Good luck!
Posted by: Jess | Jan 08, 2009 at 05:11 PM
Your post couldn't have come at a better time. i've been struggling with finding time to go to the gym. My children's nap schedules and feeding times make it difficult, not to mention the effort it takes to get out of the house (as you know). I've wondered if this "me" time is worth it. But, I've decided I'm a better mother when I work out. I'm more patient with them and I want to set a healthy example for them. So, I'm looking forward to hearing how others do it and ways to keep the motivation up. Good luck!
Posted by: Jennifer | Jan 08, 2009 at 09:29 PM
One word: Netflix. They have a ton of exercise DVDs (even ones for postpartum moms) and you can get a new one every week. I like it so far.
Posted by: Tara Pringle Jefferson | Jan 08, 2009 at 09:35 PM
I can totally sympathize...I'm so tired of looking at my flabby post-baby tummy (although that's not stopping me from eating 2 brownies tonight!) I've heard wii-fit rocks. Also, our on-demand channel offers free exercise shows.
You could also fake it...Hand In Pocket (in Ivy Walk) has the best camis...camis that are made to hide muffin tops. They seriously work and are so worth the money! They also have the BEST purses, by the way...
Posted by: emily powell | Jan 08, 2009 at 10:08 PM
I just had baby number three (three in under three years) 10 weeks ago. There is 0 chance of me being able to "go" anywhere to workout so about a month ago I started walking on the treadmill early in the morning when the kids were sleeping or in the evenings when my husband is home. I also have been doing some sit-ups, leg lifts, and free weights. My motivation is that I am in a wedding in August and none of the other bridesmaids have not fair! I also started weight watchers and have lost 4 pounds in the first week!
Posted by: Megan | Jan 09, 2009 at 03:12 PM
One of the best purchases we have ever made was our treadmill. We actually bought ours several years ago pre-bunch. I thought my husband was crazy to waste so much money but that thing has gotten used at least 2-3 times a week for the past 6 years. The key for us was actually getting a good quality piece of equipment. At the time I was worried about the cost, but we've gotten our monies worth. At 4.5 months post-partum now, I don't have much energy to do much, but I will walk at a slow rate while watching TV and it does help.
Posted by: Kate | Jan 09, 2009 at 06:25 PM
i lost weight by getting PPD and not eating, but I don't recommend it.
Posted by: Ninja Mom | Jan 11, 2009 at 05:46 PM
No advice, but have to say I LOVED "Get in Shape, Girl" too!!
Posted by: Alecia | Jan 14, 2009 at 10:10 PM
I wish I was discplined enough to implement all the wonderful at-home workout solutions you girls are suggesting. Now the Wii Fit - THAT is something I could maybe see myself getting into it - some of my friends IRL swear by it too. Too mad my damn husband bought an XBox. Do you think I could break a sweat playing Rock Bad?
Posted by: Cara Fox | Jan 17, 2009 at 10:29 PM
Don't you know that it's correct time to get the home loans, which can make you dreams real.
Posted by: Payne18Janice | Nov 15, 2011 at 04:30 AM