We don't talk about politics on this site--mainly because Cara and I differ quite a bit, although our husbands do seem to share the same political mind. If you haven't already early or absentee voted, then you're probably one of the ones who will be standing in a hopefully not-so-long line today. (Update: husband just told me there was no wait this morning at 9 a.m.)
Here are a few voting tips:
1. Go alone. Standing in line could be like standing in line at airport security, except you don't have to take off your shoes.
2. If you can't go alone, take a friend. It's easier to watch kids if you have a partner in crime. One Baby Bunching mom said she and her neighbor took turns watching all the kids on the school playground while each mom went in to vote.
3. Go at off times. It's like the grocery store strategy. Lunch and after work will be busy. Don't go then unless you have an extra pair of hands with you. Unless you're voting after work and you don't have your kids with you.
4. Treat yourself and your kids. Starbucks, Krispy Kreme and Ben & Jerry's are giving away free coffee, star-shaped donuts and ice cream (from 5-8 only at Ben & Jerry's) if you show off your "I voted" sticker. God Bless America. Jeez.......only in this country. But hey, it's a great bribe for your wee ones.
Please feel free to share any great voting stories with us.
My two are 13 months and 2 1/2. I just loaded up my double stroller and bag with tons of board books, and as we waited in line, we read. And read and read. They were quiet and that's all that mattered to me. Our line time was about 45 minutes.
Posted by: treen | Nov 04, 2008 at 03:53 PM
I got a little lucky, my office was a polling place so I had the day off from work. So, we waited until 9 to head to our polling place with kids in tow (2 yo DS, and DDs 15 and 3 mos). The original plan was for us to vote one at a time so the other could keep the kids in sight. But, one of the election officials eagerly volunteered to hold the 3 mo. old while we voted. After we were done voting (which was only a few minutes, thanks to the electronic machines), all the kids got "I Voted" stickers and we took pictures outside of our voting location.
Posted by: fairy momma | Nov 04, 2008 at 07:26 PM
Great topic! I'll never forget voting last year (in the primaries) when I had still-infant Jade in the stroller and had no choice but to take toddler Miranda in the voting booth with me ... wouldn't you know, she pushed the big green "VOTE" button before I had made all my selections! I stuck my head out from the curtain and explained what happened, saying "Is that it?" All the volunteers were like, "Yep, that's it!" Baby bunching can be hazardous to your voting rights :)
Posted by: Sue | Nov 05, 2008 at 02:55 PM
I'm late for this year, but here's a voting strategy for baby bunchers for next time. I hosted a kidswap playdate on election day this year. I invited moms over and we took turns going out to vote without kids, while the other moms cooperatively babysat. It was great!
Posted by: Stimey | Nov 05, 2008 at 11:15 PM