Continuing our potty training series . . .
So if you’re ready to start with the potty training, you need some essential tools. There are plenty of books out there on potty training. I found none of these to be helpful so if you have recommendations, please feel free to offer them. I didn't have time to read them, but I imagine there are essentially two routes to go: The die-hard-do-it-all-at-once method (involving heavy bribing)--which is my chosen method; and the probably nicer, better mom way to do it, which is to let child direct you. You decide.
Essential Baby Bunching Potty Training Supplies:
A Potty. There are about a bazillion potties out there. Ones that make music or talk. Some have a doll that pees with it. Some attach to your toilet. Why can't they make one that just potty trains your kid for you?
My absolute favorite potty is the Baby Bjorn potty chair. Both kids used it. We had several we tried and this was the only one that worked for my kids. I call it the 'magical potty.' I even loaned it out to a neighbor and guess what? Nothing worked for her until THIS potty came into her life. It's super easy to clean, and it seems comfortable to sit on it.
Some kind of portable potty. I never did this, but wished many time I had remembered to throw our potty seat into the back of the car. My kids were pretty good about going to the bathroom in public places. In fact, I think they loved to check out every bathroom out there. But many times we were at playgrounds and would have to make a mad dash to the nearest gas station. Alex would sit, sing and think about going while Anna touched everything insight. If you don't have a portable potty, just bring along the one you have with lots of wipes and a few plastic bags.
Lots of underwear. And I mean lots of underwear. I think I bought 3 packs of 6 or 7 pairs.
Lots of bribes. Love bribes. For my son it was the only thing that worked. But my daughter could care less if pottying meant a piece of candy. The upside to this, especially with candy and juice, is it makes them have to go more. Candy especially will help them go more.
A going out strategy. I think it's easier if you're at home doing this, but you'll get cabin fever pretty quickly. So plan going out in between potty visits--kind of like when you made that dash out to the store after you nursed the baby. When you do go out, try this tip. Keep your child's underwear on and put a diaper/pull up OVER the underwear.
Spare clothes. Didn’t think you needed to stash a change of clothes anymore in a bag or your car? Now you do. A complete set is required to be close by. Plus, I would recommend a towel in case you need to dry someone off.
Things to keep your little one busy. Depending on his/her age find a new toy or borrow a few that will keep your baby busy while you deal with potty. I think eventually I just let my daughter sit down with an entire box of tissues and empty the whole thing out.
Please feel free to share your potty training stories. And stay tuned for Part 3....
Just a comment on portable potty seats-- we tried to use one that had cartoon characters on it and folded into 4ths-- so cute online. But sadly not very stable--my son ended up in the potty every time we tried it.
Posted by: rachel s. | Oct 22, 2008 at 11:46 AM
We had three potty chairs--one on every floor of our house. I thought this was a little much when my Mom-in-law suggested it, but it was a life saver!
Posted by: AmyS | Oct 22, 2008 at 01:51 PM