what is baby bunching?

  • Baby Bunching™ is two years of pregnancy and back-to-back infants and toddlers with nary a break for you. Baby Bunching means chaos for you, and your little twiblings. No worries, they become good friends as a result of your bunching strategy. You will become strong, creative, organized, calm and at peace with your new lifestyle without even realizing it.

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Oct 26, 2008


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Oh man, so so so true.

I thought of this as I absurdly kept saying "let's go back and show baby what you got" after each trip up to a house to get halloween candy with my daughter. The kid is what anyone would call a baby (17 mo) and yet...by the time she was 6 1/2 months and our son was born, whe was no longer "baby" and was not "big girl."

I say it all the time, and now it makes me wonder if ppl are looking at me stupidly going SHE IS a baby...."Ava, you don't need to do that, you're not a baby, you're a big girl!" And yet...17 months? Is not sucha big girl.

Yet...compared to 10 months? Is totally big. And independent seeming. And WOW...where DID that baby of last year go?

It's all over so soon.

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