Getting mommy time is a difficult task when you're a Baby Buncher, getting time away with your husband is even harder. The list is very short of those who will sacrifice time and their own energy for your bunch, especially when the kids are so little.
But once the kids get a little older, it's a bit easier to take a night away and leave the kids with grandma and grandpa. Our first night away from the kids was when Anna was 9 months and Alex had just turned 2 years old. It was one night and two full days and worth it in every sense. Since then we've had four opportunities to dump the kids with my parents, and I fully realize this is a lot. I really could use about once a quarter, but I'll take what I can get.
Today I'm in Boston WITHOUT the kids. My husband travels to fun and exotic places around the world. In fact, he just finished up his grand "European vacation" I call it to five fabulous countries. Somehow, though, the stars and planets aligned, and I was able to dovetail a trip to Boston for TWO WHOLE nights! I'm not sure how much of hubby I will see, but even a dinner together is better than nothing.
Back-to-back kids can put a strain in any marriage what with the back-to-back pregnancies, constant hormone changes, body changes and lifestyle changes. But a couple can only survive so long talking of schedules and temperaments. A night away from your kids with your husband can do wonders for your marriage and for you.
For me, time away means:
- I miss my kids. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and when I'm away, I miss them like crazy!
- Falling in love with my husband again. OK, this trip I may not see him much, but in general, we're able to look beyond the mess of the house, the dishes, the chores, the noise and see each other as individuals instead of just "parents."
- I have a chance to reflect on things, everything. Who has time to really think and converse at a daily dinner data dump. It's nice to move beyond the mundane to real discussion and thoughts....even if it's only in my own head. :-)
- Getting to know me again.
- Moving at my pace. I love to drink coffee in the morning while I read the paper. Not just flip through the paper, but really READ the paper. I also like to finish my coffee...not just gulp it down and leave it half full.
- Sleeping in beyond 7 a.m.
i find it amazing how much i don't talk to my husband these days. time away with your spouse is sooooo important.
Posted by: feener | Aug 21, 2008 at 06:58 PM
Oh, how I wish I had two days to myself right about now! Enjoy every minute of it! My husband and I had our turn in June and read a book in one day--it's the simple things like this that make you appreciate your life (and miss your kids!)
Posted by: AmyS | Aug 22, 2008 at 04:28 PM
I have never heard the term "daily dinner data dump," but it sure does sum up our mealtime!
Posted by: JenH | Aug 23, 2008 at 12:10 PM