Part of our goal here at is to provide you with, not only funny stories and tips, but resources you can use. Part of Baby Bunching means getting organized. You will be surprised how quickly you can restock the diaper bag for an outing and before you know it, you'll be doing it in your sleep and getting it right (almost every time)!
The main challenges with Baby Bunching hit three main categories (I think): food, sleep and getting out. Getting out always seemed to be the worst for me because it involved so much gear, and I always felt people were watching me. After a few mishaps here and there at highly inappropriate places to take a toddler/infant like Little Gym, (Ah, yes, rookie mistake) I finally learned a few lessons about outings.
1. Do your homework. Find out from other people before you go to the zoo if there are ample places to change a baby or close enough bathrooms to deal with a potty training toddler. Find out if a place is stroller friendly or if there is nearby parking. Investigate entry fees and if food is allowed into a park, zoo, etc.
2. Always, always, always bring the stroller and enough food and drink to last through a meal--just in case.
3. Leave while people are happy. This means you will have to research how long it will take to get some place. Nothing is worse than a 45-minute meltdown on the way home only to have your toddler fall asleep in the car five minutes before you get home.
If you don't have a super dooper resource of moms at your beckon call, there is a great Website you should check out: Being Savvy: The Savvy Source for Parents. While it's a great blog with all kinds of tips, what I love about this site is it provides detailed information about areas around the country with toddlers/preschoolers in mind. So for about 27 cities, you can check out a blog written by someone in your area who has little ones. You live in Atlanta, but want to visit DC, this site has the skinny. If you're moving to Denver and need to know about great kid-friendly places to go, they have the info.
So, Being Savvy, essentially, has done the homework for you on where it's safe (or not so safe) to take your Baby Bunch. If you know of other helpful sites, please let us know.
I'd like to recommend two great resources. The first (disclaimer, I own it) is Our Kids -- The second is DC Baby ( Both are fabulous resources for families in the DC metro area!
Posted by: Amy Miller | Aug 11, 2008 at 08:02 PM
Thanks for the link love for Being Savvy DC!
Posted by: Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama | Aug 11, 2008 at 11:54 PM
discipline for the baby bunchers.
We have 3 currently and one on the way. 7, 5, and 3. We have two rules that work great.
1. you respond the first time
2. you respond quickly
if these are not followed there are quick consequences. a spanking of usually two licks sometimes three and a time of prayer, repentance, and discussion. It is amazing how well our kids behave and respond. Usually with a "yes maam" or "yes sir". We have lots of other kids that we are around and thier behavior is not enjoyable. I think to keep you all from going crazy you need a simple well organized disciplined plan. It works and allows the family to be a joy. Is is our job as parents to keep our kids under "loving command."
Posted by: Hendley Family | Aug 18, 2008 at 10:08 AM
I love the Savvy Source - I just discovered it last week, as you know.=)
Also, I love your new blog! My kids aren't under 2 years, but there's still great tips to be learned. I need to save it to my favorites.
Posted by: Ainsley | Aug 20, 2008 at 04:42 PM
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Posted by: RACHELLE34Compton | Jul 31, 2011 at 12:43 AM
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Posted by: mortgage loans | Nov 01, 2011 at 02:13 PM