When it comes time to put the second car seat into the car, you may wonder where to start. The car seat might be in the middle--which is ideal for many reasons, one which includes not kicking your seat. This topic was discussed today in my mom's group so it had me thinking on why we decided the arrangement we did. As Baby Bunchers, you don't have the luxery of a child who will play with toys very long or even read a book. You do have to worry about toys being hurled at the baby as well. Yes, it's true. It will happen. When my daughter was born, I started by putting the baby behind the passenger seat. I thought it would be better to see her and be able to hand items to her. Well, a baby doesn't need much handed to her. So after spending much time diving down to pick up lost toys behind my seat, we decided to move my older child behind the passenger seat.
This set up worked well for us because as unsafe as it was--believe me you will do many crazy things--I could still pick up my toddlers' toys and wedge a bottle pacifier into my baby's mouth (all while driving a stick shift). As a side note: a manual transmission does not mix with Baby Bunching.